Articles by Earl F. Burkholder, PS, PE, F.ASCE

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(This page was established December 16, 2019 - last modified September 28, 2020)

I. Link to articles written by Earl F. Burkholder and published by ASCE, Click here. Posted October 16, 2019

II. Links to articles written by Earl F. Burkholder and filed with the U.S. Copyright Office: Posted September 28, 2020.

---- Definition and Description of the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM):
Click here. Posted December 16, 2019

---- Fundamentals of Spatial Data Accuracy and the GSDM: click here. Posted December 16, 2019

---- Rebuttal to Round 1 of ASCE Discussion/Closure on Local Accuracy: Click here. Posted December 16, 2019

---- Normal-Based Horizontal Distance Options: Click here. Posted December 16, 2019

---- Systematic Error, Low-Distortion Projections, and the 3-D Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM) Click here. Posted September 28, 2020

III. Articles by Earl F. Burkholder for the New Mexico Surveyors Newsletter - Benchmarks:

---- 2020 thru present Click here. Posted September 28, 2020

---- 2016 thru 2019 Click here. Posted January 7, 2020

---- 2012 thru 2015 Click here. Posted January 7, 2020

---- 2008 thru 2011 Click here. Posted November 19, 2019

----- Prior to 2008 Click here. Posted November 19, 2019

IV. Articles by Earl F. Burkholder for and to the New Mexico Board of Licensure for PE & PS:

---- June 2004 Comments that Surveying and Engineering are NOT mutually exclusive Click here. Posted December 16, 2019.

---- December 2019 Next Step? Basis-of-Bearing Revision to Minimum Standards Click here. Posted December 16, 2019.

---- March 2020 Letter sent to the NM BOL providing background information Click here. Posted March 2, 2020.

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