Exploring the Future of Surveying & Mapping (Geomatics)

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(This page was established September 2007 - last modified February February 13, 2017)

What contributions can YOU make to the surveying profession?

Various articles, events, and opinions are included in the following:

I. The NCEES Forum on "Future of Surveying" held January 22, 2016 was a very important event. Items then and since include:

----- 1. The following item on Disruptive Innovation was prepared before that meeting. Click here
----- 2. This item was written in response to the NCEES Summary of the event. The future will be what we make it.
----- 3. This item written for NCEES Forum consideration for immediate steps each person can take to make a difference. WayForward
----- 4. This item was written for the NCEES Forum audience. It offers a flippant answer to the rhetorical question. Why? Because!
----- 5. This item gives examples why NCEES should also pay attention to our technical capacity. ALTA/NSPS and Boards of Licensure
----- 6. This item was printed as "Additional Concerns" in the January 2017 issue of NMPS Benchmarks ReflectionsAspirations

II. What should surveying educators and professionals do with the Surveying Body of Knowldege (SBOK)?

----- 1. Link to FIG SBOK power point by Greenfeld click here.
----- 2. Link to full SBOK report in Sept/Dec 2011 issue of SaLIS click here.

III. Forward-looking item prepared for the Western Federation of Professional Surveyors, October 2011.

IV. Discussion with Texas/New Mexico Surveyors about the future of Surveying - September 2013 click here.

V. American Surveyor 'Foxes and Henhouses' article & Surveyor Connect threads Dec. 2014 & Jan. 2015.

----- 1. To read the original article as published in Nov/Dec 2014 issue click here
----- 2. Redefinition of Land Surveying click here.
----- 3. Interesting data from NCEES click here.
----- 4. Removal of Boundary Experience Requirements click here.
----- 5. Ultimate Definition of Land Surveying click here.
----- 6. What books do you consider essential for a surveyor's library? click here.
----- 7. To read Burkholder's letter to the Editor click here.
----- 8. Preliminary rebuttal by Editor (scroll down to "Today's Spotlight") click here.

VI. EFB response to actions by NSPS:

----- 1. April 2010 vote (start the 2-yr. clock) to abandon ACSM. Development of a Vision
----- 2. Summer 2013 decision by NSPS to abandon SaLIS. Importance of a Peer Reviewed Journal.

VII. Information from Surveying & Mapping Educators Conference Ferris State University - Big Rapids, MI, July 2007

----- 1. See Ferris panel discussion proposal
----- 2. See background for panel discussion.
----- 3. Summary of panel discussion.
----- 4. List of ABET accredited surveying (and related) programs January 2007.
----- 5. Summary Report to ACSM CARE Committee March 2008

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