Global COGO, Inc. and Tru3D
3-D Coordinate Geometry & Error Propagation
Based Upon the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM)
(Tru3D website established June 2017 - last modified June 6, 2020)
Email to Global COGO, Inc.
******* Strictly self-interest *********** July 1, July 14, and October 1, 2019 ***************
1. Recent POB article on EFB career - Link
-----There is a typo in the print version..."NAD 27 level loop" near end of the POB article should be "NGVD 29 level loop."
-----It is worthwhile to visit SEWRPC link at end of the article. Read cover letter, abstract, and introduction.
-----(That SEWRPC 3-D report was written over 20 years ago and is still relevant!)
-----Link for the COGO Report Card in the article appears to be defective. This is a better link.
2. Link to ASCE articles and Editorials written by E. Burkholder
This web page is an interim connection betweeen the previous Global COGO, Inc. web site and a new web site (Tru3D.XYZ) being developed to
highlight the true 3-D nature of geospatial data as described in the Second Edition of "The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model: Principles
and Applications."
The previous Global COGO web site continues to be maintained.
Items of interest for this new site include:
----- I. Corrections to the Second Edition. If you find others, please let me know. (September 19, 2019)
----- II. Use following CRC Press link to order or use web-search option for possible better price. (November 14, 2017)
CRC Press web site for purchase of Second Edition -- for other options, web search "Global Spatial Data Model Second Edition" (June 11, 2017)
----- III. Flyer developed by CRC Press promoting the Second Edition. (June 11, 2017)
----- IV. Dedication of Second Edition of 3-D book to mentor. (November 5, 2017)
----- V. Poster presented at AGU meeting in San Francisco, December 2016 discussing true 3-D. (June 11,2017)
----- VI. Information for geospatial policy makers. (June 11, 2017)
----- VII. Proposal for establishing a graduate course in characteristics of 3-D spatial data. (June 11, 2017)
----- VIII. Opportunity for surveying profession to provide leadership in use of 3-D digital spatial data. (July 26, 2017)
----- IX. Example of how spatial data accuracy impacts standards. (July 26, 2017)
----- X. Presentation at High-Tech Consortium October 2017. (November 5, 2017)
----- XI. Big Picture overview (Abstract/Real) written December 2017 for spatial data policy professionals. (posted April 1, 2018)
----- XII. Digital Future is a summary of efforts made to promote digital future 3-D applications. (posted July 23, 2018)
----- XIII. Horizontal Distance Options looks at horizontal distance as being ellipsoid-normal-based
instead of plumb-line-based. (posted December 5, 2018 - revised February 2019)
----- XIV. Validation defends the integrity of the GSDM and associated accuracies. (updated June 6, 2020)
----- XV. Recommendation for SPC in 2022 sent to NGS by EFB in August 2018. (Posted April 10, 2019)
----- XVI. Presentations at NMPS 2019 Conference COGO Report Card and
NGS Datums 2022 pdf files. (Posted April 10, 2019 and revised July 12, 2019).
----- XVII. Comments and questions about geospatial data (Posted April 10, 2019).
----- XVIII. Burkholder's MS thesis. A Metric Map Projection for Michigan. (Posted July 10, 2019).
----- XIX. Response to NGS Summit and COGO Report Card. Response sent to NGS, FGDC, and COGO. (Posted August 11, 2019).
----- XX. Philosophical view of benefits in using an appropriate spatial data model. (Posted August 11, 2019).
----- XXI. Recent article on mathematial basis of the low-distortion projection
by Rollins/Meyer. Understand - XYZ coordinates (Earth centered or topo-centered) are foundational, but subordinate uses of map-projection coordinates and their
improvements will be around for a long time. (Posted September 23, 2019).
----- XXII. This is an annotated list of pages from Kuhn's "Revolution" book. click here. (Posted October 1, 2019).
----- XXIII. This is list of comments on Kuhn's book. by EFB (Posted October 1, 2019).
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Global COGO, Inc
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