Selected Publications by Earl F. Burkholder, PS, PE

Modified 07/21/22

74. Evolution of Terms - Network Accuracy and Local Accuracy May 2017

73. Response to NCEES Summary of "Forum on Future of Surveying" Feb 2016

72. Presentation on Spatial Data and COGO Report Card September 24, 2015, APA-ASCE Joint meeting.

71. Discussion of the COGO Report Card for the Spatial Data Infrastructure.

70. Informal
summary of development of Low Distortion Projections (LDP).

Localization as appearing in the January 2015 issue of NMPS Benchmarks.

68. Response to the American Surveyor December 2014 article on "Foxes and Inmates"
click here.

67. "Presentation to NM Board of Licensure - November 2014
click here.

66. "Call for Standardization - Stochastic Model Results" was written September 2014 in response to a thread on the Surveyor Connect bulletin board.
Click here.

65. "Underground (Well) Mapping Re-visited" was presented at the ASCE Shale Energy Engineering Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, July 20-23, 2014.
Click here. For copy of power point presentation of the paper, Click here.

64. "Trip Report to SPAR 2014" was written for the New Mexico Professional Surveyors but shared with all.
click here.

63. "BIG DATA" is a NOAA request for information and Global COGO response to same. This is a real
game changer.

62. "The Importance of a Peer-Reviewed Journal" is to be distributed freely. click here.

61. "Standard Deviation and Network/Local Accuracy of Geospatial Data" refutes the suggestion that local accuracy as presented in the book, "The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model" is not rigorous.
click here Paper is on file in the U.S.Copyright Office, Washington, D.C. - October 2013.

60. "Proposal for Basis of Bearing and Summary of Responses"
click here. April 2013.

59. "Large-Scale integration is possible now!"
click here.

58. "List of ABET Surveying Programs" - Developed from ABET web site.
click here.

57. "How Good is Good Enough?" - Written in response to a January 17, 2013, Surveyor Connect Thread about repeatable GPS measurements.
click here.

56. "The 3-D Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM) Supports Modern Civil Engineering Practice and Education" presented at the 2012 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineeering.
click here.

55. "Future of Surveying" - Written for WestFed Board of Directors in Oct 2011. The surveying profession is standing at the threshold of a quantum contribution to the spatial data community. Will we squander the opportunity?
click here.

54. "Contrasting a Low Distortion Projection (LDP) With the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM)" shows that the benefits of a map projection may be enjoyed without being subject to the disadvantages of same. Yes, by making use of the "user view" it appears that spatial data users may have our cake and eat it too!
click here. January 2012.

53. Interaction between Engineering and Surveying "Proud to be a Surveyor"
click here. May 2012.

52. "Effective Fire Suppression" makes a point about learning how to learn and is published in the January 2011 issue of NMPS Benchmarks. To view and/or download,
click here.

51. "Spatial Data Considerations for Civil Engineers" presented at Texas Section ASCE Fall Meeting in El Paso, Texas, October 8, 2010.
click here

50. "Promoting the hypothesis that vertical can be the
strongest component of a GPS determined position."

49. "President's Columns as printed in Benchmarks while Earl F. Burkholder was President of the New Mexico Professional Surveyors"
click here for pdf file

48. "Editorial in ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering on Using Spatial Data" Feb 2008

47. "Challenge/Opportunity for Spatial Data Users World-wide" is a 1-page description of the challenges and benefits associated with implementing the GSDM. Posted January 2007.
click here

46. "From 3-D GPS Data to a 2-D Plat - A Direct "No Distortion" Solution," click here

45. Ethics Article printed in the September 2006 Issue of NMPS Benchmarks.

44."The Digital Revolution - Whither Now?" GIM Magazine, September 2006 click here

43. GIS Summit report by Earl F. Burkholder for attending June 16, 2006.

42. Comments on ASPRS Panel Report to USGS on National Digital Orthoimagery Program - October 2005.

41. White paper - "Need for and Benefits of a Modern Spatial Reference Network in Southern New Mexico" by Earl F. Burkholder, and Las Cruces City Surveyor, Gilbert here February 2006

40. "Magical Least Squares 2" is a full blown documentation of all the steps used in computing the NMSU GPS network. It also includes specific examples of computing both network and local accuracies between several points. click here. January 2006

39. "In Celebration of the Muse" is a reflection of issues during a 2-week sabbatical trip to the Geomatics Program at the University of Calgary in September 2005. click here

38. "Magical Least Squares" is a summary of the GPS network at NMSU and includes details on local and network accuracies. October 2005,
click here.

37. "Using GPS to Establish the NAVD88 Elevation on "Reilly" - The A-Order HARN Station at NMSU," July 2005,
click here.

36. "Geomatics Curriculum Design Issues," presented at the 20th Surveying & Mapping Educators Conference in Corpus Christi, Texas, June 9, 2005.
click here

35. "Accuracy of Elevation Reduction Factor" ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, Vol 130, No. 3, August 2004, pp 134-137. click here .

34. "A 3D Datum for a 3D World" Geospatial Solutions Magazine, Volume 14, No. 5, May 2004, pp 38-41.
Click here.

33. "Fundamentals of Spatial Data Accuracy and the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM)," registered with the U.S. Copyright Office, Washington, D.C., April 2004.
click here .

32. "When is the best time to implement a better model?" is a perplexing question. The technology is in place and the model is well-defined.
Click here

31. "Establishing Elevations with GPS" is a 1-page handout used to aid discussion. click here .

30."Viewing Spatial Data From the 3-D Perspective" as presented at the NMSU Science, Engineering, and Technology Education Conference, January 9, 2004. click here . Note, the author was given the "Best Paper Award" for the Conference

29."The Digital Revolution Begets the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM)" was published in the April 15, 2003, issue of EOS Transactions American Geophysical Union. click here .

28. "Global Spatial Data Model White Paper" offers a 2-page summary of the GSDM. June 2002.

27. "Elevations and the Global Spatial Data Model," presented June 25, 2002, at the 58th ION Annual Meeting in Albuquerque, New Mexico. click here

26. "The Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM): A New Paradigm for Spatial Information," presented April, 2002, at FIG Conference in Washington, D.C. click here

25. "Spatial Data, Coordinate Systems, and the Science of Measurement," ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, November 2001, Vol 127, No. 4, pp 143-156. click here

24. "The Global Spatial Data Model" presented March 27, 2000, at the International Discrete Global Grids Conference hosted by the NCGIA in Santa Barbara, CA.

23. "Geomatics Eduation and the Global Spatial Data Model" presented at the XVII North American Surveying Educators' Conference, Purdue University, July, 1999. click here

22. "3-D: A Challenge for Surveying in the 21st Century" printed in the Spring 1999 issue of The Aggie Surveyor newsletter published by the Department of Surveying Engineering at New Mexico State University.

21. "Spatial Data Accuracy as Defined by the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM)." ACSM Surveying & Land Information Systems Journal, March, 1999. click here

20. ION Navigation 2000, "A Practical Global Spatial Data Model
(GSDM) for the 21st Century," Long Beach, CA, January 1998. click here

19. Professional Surveyor Magazine - Series of 3 articles
  • October 1997 - The Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM):
    A Tool Designed for Surveyors
  • November/December 1997 - Using the Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM)
    in Plane Surveying
  • January 1998 - Positional Tolerance Made Easier with the GSDM

    18. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, "Three Dimensional Azimuth of GPS Vector," Vol. 123, No. 4, November, 1997. click here

    17. The Civil Engineering Surveyor, "3-D Global Spatial Data Model (GSDM),"
    GIS/GPS Supplement, Fall 1997, pp 15-18. (UK)

    16. GIS/LIS 1997, "Description of a Simple, Three-Dimensional Global
    Spatial Data Model (GSDM), Cincinnati, Ohio, October, 1997.

    15. Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission, "Definition of a
    Three-Dimensional Spatial Data Model for Southeastern Wisconsin," January 1997,
    Waukesha, Wisconsin.
    click here

    14. Definition and Description of a Global Spatial Data Model registered with
    the U.S. Copyright Office, Washington, D.C., April, 1997.

    13. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, "Simplified Transformation Between
    NAD27 and NAD83 in Southeastern Wisconsin," Vol. 122, No. 1, pp 26-39,
    February, 1996.

    12. Mobile Mapping Symposium, "The 3-D Geodetic Model as the Basis of a Global
    Coordinate System for Mobile Mapping," The Center for Mapping, Columbus, Ohio,
    May 23-26, 1995.

    11. ACSM/ASPRS Annual Meeting, "GIS Applications of GPS Technology via Local
    Coordinate Systems: Past, Present, and Future," March, 1995, Charlotte, NC.

    10. Chapter 13 "Geodesy" of The Surveying Handbook, 2nd Ed., Edited by Russell
    Brinker & Roy Minnick, published 1995 by Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., NY, NY.

    9. ASCE First Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, "3-D Coordinates
    - A Universal Rectangular Coordinate System for a GIS and Other Spatial
    Databases," June 20-24, 1994, Washington, D.C. click here.

    8.ASPRS/ACSM Annual Meeting, "Exploiting the Connection Between Plane
    Surveying and GPS Vectors," February, 1994, Reno, Nevada.

    7. ACSM Surveying & Land Information Systems Journal, "Design of a Local
    Coordinate System for Surveying, Engineering, and LIS/GIS," Volume 53,
    No. 1, March, 1993. click here

    6.ACSM/ASPRS Annual Meeting, "A Case Study Comparing Use of Local Map
    Projection Coordinates With 3-D Geodetic Model Coordinates," February, 1993,
    New Orleans, LA.

    5. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, "Using GPS Results in a True 3-D
    Coordinate System," Volume 119, No. 1, February, 1993. click here.

    4. ASCE Journal of Surveying Engineering, "Computation of Level/Horizontal
    Distance," Volume 117, No. 3, August, 1991.

    3. XII Surveying Teachers Conference - 1987, Madison, Wisconsin, "The RAC Accreditation Experience at OIT," Click here

    2. ACSM Surveying & Mapping Journal, "Geometrical Parameters of the Geodetic
    Reference System 1980," Vol. 44, No. 4, December, 1984, pp 339-340. Click here

    1. XI Surveying Teachers Conference - 1984 , Fresno, California, "The BS Surveying Degree at OIT," Click here

    0. "Coordinates, Intersections, and Calculators" ACSM Surveying & Mapping Journal, March 1986, Vol 46, No. 1, pp 29-39 click here

    -1. "The Michigan Scale Factor" Technical Papers ACSM-ASP Convention, ACSM 40th Annual Meeting,St.Louis March 1980 click here

    -2. "Is Surveying Really Part of Civil Engineering?" Referenced by David Tyler in Volume 2 - Proceedings, ASCE National Forum on Education and Continuing Education for the Civil Engineer. Las Vegas, Nevada, April 1990, click here

    -3. "Practical Application of the Michigan State Plane Coordinate System" presented by Earl F. Burkholder February, 1975 to Michigan Society of Registered Land Surveyors at Bay City, Michigan. click here

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